School services
Dining hall
The school has a dining service with its own kitchen.
Specialists in Psychology, Education and Speech Therapy which the Academy offers to families.
Daycare for families who need to drop their children off before school starts due to work reasons.
Latest news
Current school activities & news
Erasmus+ a secundària!
Ens complau compartir amb vosaltres una emocionant iniciativa que estem preparant a la nostra escola: el programa de mobilitat Erasmus+ a secundària, que permetrà…
Passion Projects
An innovation shuttle at school The Passion-Based Learning training program, jointly developed between Projecte Empremta and Learnlife and financed with Next Generation EU funds,…
Els i les alumnes de 5è de primària, el dimarts 31 d’octubre, van celebrar la castanyada fent un taller de caracterització de moniatos. Després…