We work to give continuity to the projects started in the pre-school stage. By gaining new skills and knowledge, our students will continue to ensure their personal and social development.
We use Lively teaching that strives for continuous innovation. We promote responsibility habits and a love of learning. We work in projects, small groups, workshops, cooperative work. We have specific programmes based on multiple intelligences.

Values and methodology
We personally monitor all students to help them grow in self-esteem and independence.
- We work on emotional intelligence
- We work on some subjects in small groups: Languages, mathematics, etc
- In some learning sessions, we support students with two teachers in the class in order to help them overcome difficulties. Arts and Crafts, Motor Programme…
- We communicate with families with personal interviews and meeting with the group-class, digital platform...
- The Psychopedagogy Department helps to guide teachers and families in teaching

The fact that children work cooperatively means that they develop social skills and abilities that will be very useful in their future. The roles in cooperative work help them to discover their strengths and we give them the tools to overcome their difficulties.
The thinking culture has been part of our methodology for several years. Learning and teaching in a specific, systematic and organised manner is a priority in our school. In this way we have more reflective students with structured thoughts and more independence, with greater language proficiency, more able to create products, to understand different points of view, to explain processes and to document learning.